Due Diligence support for Mergers & Acquisitions

Strategically planned, mergers and acquisitions have become common phenomena in a competitive global environment. M&A activities are a way of expanding business, horizontally, vertically or across different markets. Now, mergers and acquisitions are definitely a valued proposition for companies, however there are equal amount of risks involved.

Due Diligence support

Risks or pitfalls like, non performance of the target business as per your expectation, key members leaving the organization, incompatible business culture, key resources diverting away from your primary business focus and ultimately the benefits that you expected in terms of investment which you had expected do not materialize. There is always an inherent uncertainty associated with mergers and acquisitions, and hence it is essential to take calculated risks, else it can damage the performance, the bottom lines and in turn the reputation of your business.

Both mergers and acquisitions can damage your own business performance because of time spent on the deal and a mood of uncertainty.  Hence, when a company considers a merger or an acquisition, a due diligence investigation becomes imperative.

Due diligence support in M&A activities

Due diligence support work for M&A deals involves investigation of all the corporate or LLC documents, review of major contracts and insurance policies, study of all the licenses and permits to identify particular cases where the sellers permit is required and investigation of the list of major assets and liabilities of the company to be acquired. Further, a due diligence support team can also extend the investigation by searching for customer reviews and related problems. Risk identification and mitigation strategies are planned and evaluated, thereby; the viability of a merger/acquisition is established.

At Hi-Tech, we provide you our due diligence support team evaluates your business prospects and understands the potential risks associated with your M&A. We investigate and summarize all the provisions from contracts, emails, property documents, organizational documents, licenses and permits and other government approvals. 

We also:
  1. Review the paperwork for the M&A activity, if required suggest rewording or restructuring of the legal documents to avoid any future misunderstandings and disputes. 
  2. Evaluate the actual worth and condition of the physical plant, equipment and machinery as well as the other tangible and intangible property included in the M&A deal.
  3. Determine, whether the proposed deal complies with the existing laws and regulatory restrictions. 
Due diligence reports, generated by our experts can help determine if the M&A activity is a viable strategy and help businesses take informed decisions.

What are the common due diligence mistakes you need to be aware of and try to avoid?

Companies might have to pay a heavy price for M&A deals done without due diligence or if there are any loop holes and laxities in the due diligence. Often the encumbrances and liabilities on a company’s assets get transferred to the other company, as a result of the lax due diligence investigations.

Due diligence investigators might misidentify the risks involved in an acquisition, or they might overlook an important element of the said company’s corporate culture. Another major mistake that due diligence team makes is just gathering the virtual facts and investigating them, while never actually doing a physical audit and investigation.

Often it happens so, that after a thorough due diligence, the involved risks and flaws in a deal come to light. However, executives are so much in love with the deal that they choose to ignore the identified risks. Now this can be a totally fatal proposition if they defy the due diligence results and move ahead.

Due diligence for M&A and the role of LPO

In most of the cases due diligence includes reviewing high volumes of data, undertaking an online research and other due diligence support work. This is why engaging LPO organization, is emerging as the most viable solution for law firms and legal counsels dealing with the immense pressures of M&A work.  LPO organizations have a permanent team of document collection, document review, and due diligence support experts to efficiently handle M&A due diligence activities, hence they are better positioned to support acquirers. Besides, Legal process outsourcing firms who regularly handle legal support work for international clients understands the importance of confidentiality and client data security. LPOs with internationally recognized certifications and security control are the best equipped to handle M&A due diligence projects.

Ref. Link: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2294836


Legal Document Drafting & Analysis Outsourcing - Legal Services

Legal drafting, analysis, documentation of legal documents is a routine task of the lawyers, legal counsel and law firms. Document drafting, analysis is very time consuming process and you need to have lawyer or legal professional to do this task. Firms like Hi-Tech LPO offers document drafting services for lawyers and law firms at very affordable rates so this lawyers can concentrate on main cases and do more productive work.

We have a team of legal professionals (paralegals) who are expert in various legal support tasks such as legal research, document review, document drafting, legal proofreading, litigation support. These legal professionals at Hi-Tech LPO handle document drafting work for various law firms across the USA and UK. Paralegals can do the same job of document drafting faster than lawyers because they are experienced in doing document drafting work on daily bases. Our legal professional checks various legal documents for document drafting work.

Here are the some of the legal documents we manage.

Tenancy Agreements
Power of Attorneys
Statutory Declarations
Trust Deeds
Commercial Leases and associated documents
Rent Deposit Deeds
Consumer Agreements
Preliminary Deposit Agreements
Deed of Guarantee
Legal Charge Documents
Loan Agreements
Building Contracts
Planning Agreements
All general contracts
Advance Decision
Loans, Debt, IOUs
Amortization Schedule
Demand Letter
Separation Agreement
Loan Agreement
Promissory Note
Partnership and Joint Venture
Joint Venture Agreement
Partnership Agreement
Purchase of Business Agreement
Human Resources
Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreement
Employee Evaluation
Employment Contract
Pay Rise Agreement
Lease Amendment
Lease Assignment Agreement
Residential Rental Inspection Report
Tenancy Agreement
Goods & Services
Bill of Sale
Catering Service Agreement
Childcare Services Agreement
Consulting Agreement
Independent Contractor Agreement
Other Forms
Amending Agreement
Cease and Desist
Flatmate Agreement
Health Care Directive

The team of paralegals makes sure that there is no error in documents as well as documents are well prepared according to law. The document again verified by the senior legal process manager to ensure the quality of the work. One of the biggest concerns of law firms is security and confidentiality of the legal documents. Hi-Tech LPO takes it very seriously by taking various security measures which give assurance of data security.


Infographic: Trends in Legal Process Outsourcing

This is really one of the good inforgraphic on Legal Process Outsourcing and LPO industry trends. What is the main task are outsourced by the law firms of in-house law departments, where the task are outsourced, it is Onshore or Offshore.

The LPO industry in the first look like the competitor of Law firms is actually helping law firms in various day to day legal task and making their task easier while allowing them to concentrate on core business activities. The LPO industry is going to expand and there are always new players are trying to enter into the legal market.

Legal Process Outsourcing Trends -


The Corporate Legal Process Outsourcing Service and Solutions

As corporate houses everywhere fight for survival with consumers constantly pushing the prices down, dealing with increasing legal costs have become a big issue. How can they continue to do their work and churn profits while dealing with legal issues successfully? Legal process outsourcing has become the need of the hour for corporate law houses globally.

By leaving various legal tasks and associated transactions to LPO providers, corporate houses can concentrate on specialized legal work for a change! However, finding a dependable service that offers complete peace of mind is crucial. Worries abound and firms have to grapple with numerous questions when considering outsourcing as a possible solution.

How much savings is possible through LPO?
Won’t quality suffer in the process?
How safe will sensitive legal information remain?

Read more at http://legalprocess.quora.com/The-Corporate-Legal-Process-Outsourcing-Service-and-Solutions